Xavier Claeys


UMA - POems



Bureau 22.29
828 Boulevard des Maréchaux
91120 Palaiseau

Tel: +33 (0)1 81 87 20 82
Email: xavier_DOT_claeys_AT_ensta_DASH_paris_DOT_fr

Detailed curriculum vitae (updated in March 2022).

Research topics

My research activity is centered on the modelling and numerical analysis of linear wave propagation phenomena, in the context of frequency domain electromagnetics and acoustics. My main interests concern:

In the past, I have been leading coordinator of the research project NonlocalDD funded by the French National Research Agency (so-called ANR) for investigating boundary integral equations in conjunction with domain decomposition. Before that, I had been involved in the METAMATH project funded by ANR that focused on the modelling and numerical analysis of metamaterials. Below are four presentations that provide a glimpse at my research concerns

Software projects

Part of my research activity is dedicated to software projects. My favorite langage is C++. Here are projects I am developing.

Boundary elements

For practical purposes (implementation of multi-trace formulations in particular), I am developping my own boundary element library. It allows easy/fast implementation of multi-trace formulations [Claeys & Hiptmair, 2013]. It is called bemtool and available on GitHub, under the GNU Lesser General Public License. bemtool has recently been interfaced with freefem++.

Domain decomposition

For testing and experimenting Generalized Optimized Schwarz Methods introduced in [Claeys,2021] and [Claeys & Parolin,2022], I co-developped with R.Delville-Atchekzai a versatile C++ finite element library named ddmtool and available on GitLab, under the GNU Lesser General Public License.


Ph.D. thesis
Asymptotics and numerical analysis for wave diffraction by thin wires,
Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, 2008.

Habilitation thesis
Boundary integral equations of time harmonic wave scattering at complex structures,
Université Pierre-et-Marie Curie, 2016.

Articles in peer reviewed journals


Research reports
